Fresh flowers are undoubtedly an instant mood lifter. We use flowers to celebrate so many occasions and to decorate many milestones and events. We give flowers to say Happy Birthday, Happy anniversary, thinking of you and even 'I'm sorry'. We use flowers to decorate celebrations and occasions such as weddings, funerals, parties and events.
So many of us enjoy having fresh blooms in our home to brighten up a rainy day or to bring a bit of floral scent inside. Whether you grow your own or buy from a supermarket or local florist here are my best top tips for flower arranging for beginners and extending vase life of any cut flower.
Photograph Credit: Nikki's Moments - Facetime Sessions
Flower Arranging Top Tips
1. Always let your creativity shine through!
2. Cut your stem on an angle to leave a larger surface area to draw water in.
3. Change vase water every 2-3 days to ensure the water is clean resulting in longer flower life.
4. Remove any lower foliage from the stem ( clean stems only below water line).
5. Leave space for the Butterflies! Leave a little room between the blooms so the air can circulate to avoid rotting or mould.
6. Include texture. Texture adds interest to every design, I like to use 3-4 contrasting textures in each arrangement.
7. Appreciate natural seasons. Flowers are naturally best in their own seasons, use the blooms at their best.
8. Get yourself a good pair of floristry scissors. Strong, sharp scissors will be your best friend with woody stems.
9. Keep your vases and containers clean. Clean containers means less bacteria in the vase water resulting in longer stem life.
10. Enjoy your designs and display them with pride!
An Introduction To Flower Arranging
Flower arranging follows simple elements and principles of design.
These key 5 principles of design are needed to create beautiful arrangements with any flower materials.
Balance - Actual and Visual
Proportion and Scale are related in floral design. Proportion is the size relationship between individual elements of the design such as flowers, foliage, container or vase and accessories / packaging in any one design.
Scale is relating to the size of the design in relation to its environment and setting.
For example a pedestal arrangements size in relation to the room or setting it is placed in.
Harmony refers to how pleasing the flower material combination is, how well the elements blend to create an overall design.
Rhythm is the visual flow of the design. Is your eye led throughout the design easily from the focal point to the outer lines and back again.
Rhythm is created using colour, form, texture and space.
Balance refers to visual and actual / physical balance.
Visual Balance is important so as we look at the floral design one area is not too visually heavy and another area too visually sparse.
Actual or Physical Balance refers to the ability for the design to stand or sit well in its environment. This means ensuring the weight distribution in a design is correct and doesn't cause the design to tip or fall.
Give flower arranging a go!
Enjoy x
Photograph Credit: Nikki's Moments - Facetime Sessions